I want to congratulate our FCOC and 25 chapters who won either 4- or 5-star awards for the cycle that just ended. Between websites and newsletters, we won a total of 48 awards. Once again, Florida led the way nationwide. We had even more winners and more chapters than last year. This is testimony to the great work by chapter and council leaders.
FCOC President
Florida--5 Star Winners
Florida Council of Chapters (print newsletter and website)
Ancient City Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Cape Canaveral Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Cape Coral Chapter (print newsletter)
Charlotte Harbor Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Citrus County Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Clearwater Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Halifax Area Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Historic Mayport Chapter (print newsletter)
Indian River Chapter (website)
Kingdom of the Sun Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Lake & Sumter Counties Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Lee Coast Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Northeast Florida Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Northwest Florida Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Palm Beach-Martin Counties Chapter (print newsletter)
Pensacola Chapter (print newsletter and website)
St. Petersburg Area Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Sarasota Chapter (print newsletter and website)
South Central Florida Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Sun City Center Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Sun Coast Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Tampa Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Treasure Coast Chapter (print newsletter and website)
Volusia County Chapter (print newsletter and website)
4-Star Winners
Indian River Chapter (print newsletter)
Flagler County Chapter (print newsletter)